Couple's and
Interpersonal Therapy
My goal is to help couples heal old wounds, give them the tools to mature and become the people they want to be and to build a healthy, satisfying and lasting relationship.
“ Love cannot be explained, it can only be experienced. Love cannot be explained, yet it explains all ”
Elif Shafak
What is it about ?
Couple’s therapy is a service that couples use to resolve conflicts and improve different aspects of their relationship, when they can’t manage to do it on their own.
Interpersonal relationships, especially couple relationships, are NOT easy: each member of the couple comes from a different family and different environment; has been through different emotional experiences, learnings and backgrounds. Thus, their way of understanding relationships, cohabitation and even love, can differ enormously from each other, creating the underlying problems that wreak havoc on the couple.
Going to therapy is not a failure in the relationship, but a sign that you love each other enough to fight for your relationship and that you are humble enough to ask for help when it is needed.
Most couples who come to me for therapy still feel a lot of love (in their different forms) for each other, but that is NOT enough to have a satisfying long-term relationship. Things like empathy, tenderness, support, communication, mutual stimulation, sexual satisfaction … are essential to keep this “special connection”, this “spark” that defines real LIFE PARTNERS.

When to consult ?
The most frequent reasons are arguments, lack of communication, sexual problems, infidelity, jealousy, constant reproaches or complaints, lack of affection, tenderness or empathy.
Sometimes it’s just because of the monotony or the lack of joy in the relationship.
Depending on where you are in your relationship, the problems you face may be a little different:
”El encuentro entre dos personalidades es como el contacto entre dos sustancias químicas: si hay alguna reaccion, las dos se ven transformadas para siempre” Carl G. Jung
Establishing the foundations on which the relationship will be built upon, being sure you want to be together and invest in the relationship, facing your own jealousy or possessiveness (or the other’s), establishing healthy boundaries, answering the questions that arise when the effects of the “honeymoon phase” disappear, knowing if you are made “for each other”…
All these questions are common and quite normal when a new relationship begins, they do not necessarily signal the beginning of the end.
In order to build a strong and healthy relationship that can help you grow and develop to your full potential, couple’s therapy (or individual coaching in relationship to the couple) could help you in the process.
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is a reaction, the two are transformed forever” Carl G. Jung
Your relationship is in a transition process, but you don’t know how to get it right.
You are having difficulties conceiving or you have just become a parent, you are getting married or you have moved in together, and now you feel that your relationship has deteriorated…
All these situations are not easy to live with, especially in a society in which we are encouraged more and more to express our own desires and not to be satisfied with what we have, but we are not taught to be assertive in communication, to be patient with others and express what we want without hurting the other person.
In order to take care of your future together and remember everything that made you fall in love with each other, the perspective of a couple’s therapy expert could be of help.
“To love is not to look at each other, it is to look together in the same direction” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
If infidelity, lack of desire one for the other, health problems, economic problems… tore your relationship apart.
If you no longer find reasons to stay together, but there is still enough love to want to rebuild a satisfying, stimulating relationship, and become real life partners for each other, the advice of a torque experts are definitely a good option for you.
“The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility” Paulo Coelho
The problems can be many, but getting to the root of the resentment is the key to working on the underlying issues and cleaning up the relationship from the base up, so that it can be reborn from its ashes.

What to expect from therapy ?
- You will open the possibility for dialogue and understanding, you will find a place and time to dedicate specifically to the couple.
You will have less resentment towards each other, a better understanding of each other’s feelings and opinions and a greater bond with each other.
You will stop arguing for the same old reasons.
You will learn to discuss and argue in a healthier and more constructive way, with some assertive listening and communication skills, you will discover why what annoys or disturbs you, annoys or disturbs you, and how to reach a compromise .
You will repair the breaks in the relationship (unfaithfulness, short breakups, etc.), you will reinforce the reasons that led you to want to be together and those that keep you still united, and from there, we will work on the problems in your relationship.
You will rebuild the friendship, affection and bonding that characterize a healthy relationship.
You will rekindle love and desire, so that the flame will burn again.
You will find the lost connection, so that you can move forward together in the same direction and re-find each other.
You will learn to love the other as the other needs to be loved, not as you would like to be loved.
You will develop your capacities of empathy and compassion, you will better understand your reasons and motivations and those of your partner.
You will learn to look at your partner with new eyes every day, to appreciate him or her entirely and not to focus only on the things that you would like to change.
In the event of a breakdown, the therapy serves as a mediation space, psychological support and prevention of future conflicts.